All For Jesus: All Together as the Church

Text: Acts 2:36-47

In our culture, we often view “church” as a place to go, a service to attend, an experience to witness, or a club to join, but none of these are biblical views of the church. While a church may have a facility or a specific meeting spot, the fact is that God never merely called us to “go” to church. He calls us as His children to “be” the church. This reality should radically impact how we live and love today, especially in the body of Christ. In this message, we discover that being “All In” with Jesus means that we are also called to live “All Together” as the church. We invite you to listen today to discern your part and place in the Church that He is building and encourage you to commit your life fully to Him.

All For Jesus: All In With Jesus

Text: Acts 2:22-24, 36-42

Most people understand what it means to be “all in.” An employee may be on the job not doing the best, and their boss may call them to a meeting to determine if they are “all in.” Are they fully committed and giving their all? A financial investor may see an investment of great potential, so they will go “all in” on the opportunity. On a sports team, a coach will challenge his players to be “all in” – fully committed, fully engaged, not half-hearted or lacking. While these things – a job, an investment, a team – can all be wonderful, they are nothing compared to what our commitment should be to the Lord Jesus Christ. We invite you to listen today to examine yourself to consider, “Are you ‘All In’ with Jesus?”

Called to Follow: The Disciple's Great Commission

Text: Matthew 28:18-20

It has often been said that last words are weighty words. Though they may be brief and few, they tend to impact us greatly and stick with us for a long time. In this message, we study the closing of Jesus’ earthly ministry and discover the final words of Jesus as He drew the disciples near and gave them the final charge. Though these words are familiar to most, in many ways the Church is struggling greatly to fulfill the charge. We pray that you will listen closely today to be encouraged and challenged to live out your calling as a follower of Jesus.

Called to Follow: The Compassion of a Disciple

Text: Matthew 9:9-13

Have you ever wrestled with a situation that constantly captured your attention and grabbed hold of your mind? Have you ever heard a statement that you couldn’t let go of? You continually wondered, “What did this mean? Why did they say that? Is there something more there?” If so, you can relate to the words of Jesus in Matthew 9:13 where He instructs us to, “Go and learn what this means: ‘I desire compassion, and not sacrifice.’ ” We invite you to listen to this message and to intently consider what the Lord is saying about our care for others and how it applies to our lives today.